The apple tree Zachary planted in our back yard several years ago is telling us that spring is around the corner. And yes, I know they are forecasting another storm system moving into our area sometime this evening, dumping more rain in the valley and snow in the mountains. But still, the apple tree says be patient because spring is here.
What we see now are only the leaves starting to unfold. In a matter of weeks the tree will show its true beauty when it is covered with flowers. In the summer the apples will appear, to be picked next fall.
Zachary’s tree is a constant reminder that nothing stays the same. Life is always changing, and what might appear to be a storm in your life today will be followed by something beautiful. If we are aware of what’s happening around us God can do some amazing things with very little. Don’t ignore the small reminders as you go about your daily routine. God hasn’t abandoned you in your storm, and He never will.