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 The Doña - Book One

She came to California as a young bride in an arranged marriage. Now she owns seventy-five square miles of property bordering the Mokelumne River where gold has been discovered. They want her land and will stop at nothing, even if it means her murder.


The Doña - Book Two

Leonida Garcia has been beaten, robbed, widowed, and seen enough trouble in her young life to last ten lifetimes. Now she wants nothing more than to live peaceably on her rancho. But when someone murders Ambrose Brice, she encourages retired ranger and friend Josiah Russell to find the killer. 

Manhunter - Book One

Matthew Blue is known as Manhunter by the Comanche. He has been hired to track a serial killer in rural Kansas, only to discover a different killer is following him. His nemesis has sworn to see Matthew dead, even if it means leaving a trail of dead bodies to see it done. 

Manhunter - Book Two

Matthew Blue wanted to stay home, raise horses and be a good husband and father. When a runaway slave living with the Comanche is accused of kidnapping the Hancock baby, he is once again called on to become Manhunter...

Manhunter - Book Three

As the turn of the century approaches, Caroline departs from the train to discover that some things have changed when she was away at school, but others remain the same. It's still the wild west, even though progress abounds. As she grieves for a lost friend, her old flame and a new prospect vie for her hand.

Dusty Boots - Book One

Bill Mayfield had talked his younger brother, Rob, into going to New Orleans and enjoy the good life. He failed to mention that their trip involved a detour to a place called Cool Water, where he planned to collect a large sum of money he had been cheated out of...even if he had to take it at gunpoint.

Dusty Boots - Book Two

Clay Best was sick of being a low-paid, over-worked lawman. He wanted a small spread somewhere where he could raise a few head of cattle. Instead, he found himself involved in chasing bank robbers and trying to rescue a beautiful hostage.

Dusty Boots - Book Three

  Clay Best had agreed to take Teresa into Mexico to get the gold Refugio had hidden. He talked Julio Garcia into going, but it was quickly turning into a journey where Julio’s gun might not be enough.

Dusty Boots - Book Four                                                         

When they shot Sheriff Ray King in the back Clay Best decided to put a stop to it. After all, Ray had been his friend for a long time, and Clay had his own code of honor. 

Chase McGraw  - Book One

Major Mitchell has created a new contemporary hero in the person of Chase McGraw. Chase is a divorced junk-food junkie and an ex-police detective turned private investigator, who lives on a ranch with his dog named Buster.

Chase McGraw  - Book Two

A man is murdered on a neighboring ranch, and Chase McGraw is called to assist in the investigation. Jenny, the man's 15-year-old daughter, who is now an orphan. In her despair, she finds her father's small stash of savings and attempts to hire Chase to find his killer.

Canyon Wind

Scratching a living out of the unforgiving landscape of the Dakota Badlands was tough enough. But now she had lost a daughter and a husband, and was trying to run a cattle ranch with her four semi-grown sons. When Phillip Denning showed up looking for work, she didn’t know if she could trust him, but she didn’t have much choice.

Poverty Flat

Chris came to California to forget about the war. What he found was a pregnant woman and her nine year old son abandoned on a place called Poverty Flat. When he offered to find her missing husband, people started shooting at him.

A Reason to Believe

Margie was a young country girl with an obsession: She wanted to ride saddle broncs in the rodeo with the men. She loved horses above all else, and refused to let anything stand in her way.
She was feisty and headstrong, but didn’t count on losing her heart, until she lost it to not only one, but three people, two of them very small.

The Valley of Decision

Cindy Quentero has just returned from a deployment overseas. Coming home to the ranch after serving in Afghanistan is almost surreal and she doesn’t quite know how to handle it. Where does she belong in this once familiar, and now strangely foreign, world?
If you like Hallmark movies, you’ll love this SPUR Award Finalist romance.

The Dona
Mitchell, Major L.
Mokelumne Gold
Mitchell, Major L.
Mitchell, Major L.
Where the Green Grass Grows: Book Two of the Manhu ....
Mitchell, Major L. and Mitchell, Major
Caroline and the Tenderfoot
Mitchell, Major
Dusty Boots
Mitchell, Major L. and Mitchell, Jerry D. and Mitchell, Judith,
Joker's Play
Mitchell, Major L.
Refugio's Gold
Mitchell, Major and Mitchell, Jerry
Cool Water Justice: Clay Best Book 4
Mitchell, Major and Mitchell, Jerry
Finding Grace: A Chase McGraw Novel
Mitchell, Major
Jenny's Hope: A Chase McGraw Novel
Mitchell, Major
Canyon Wind: A Story of Survival
Mitchell, Major
Poverty Flat
Mitchell, Major L.
A Reason to Believe
Mitchell, Major Leonard
The Valley of Decision: A Love Story
Mitchell, Major